

I'm currently working in the green energy industry, as a sofware engineer. I have various interests such as programming, ashtanga yoga, reading, tabletop games etc. This website is currently mostly about tech.


This website is the revamping of my old blog and the fourth generation. The first version what hosted on Blogger, the second version was self-hosted using Octopress (Jekyll), the third version was using Hugo. I had no specific problems with Hugo but as an experiment it is now generated using my own software.

It has the advantages of letting me experiment with a new programming language and is more malleable. For a small project like this, it's also funnier to implement a missing functionality than reading the documentation of a plugin from a third-party software.

The inspiration to revamp the website comes from this webring.


The org-mode documents for the site can be found here.

The software used to generate this site can be found here.


You can drop me an email at
kototama -> posteo.jp